Our School
Welcome to Livonia Early Childhood Center!
Working together with families and the community, we inspire all children to be respectful, confident, successful learners in a developmentally appropriate safe and nurturing environment.
Our Early Childhood Center serves 670 students ages 0-5 years old. Included in the 115 staff are the principal, general education classroom teachers, child development assistants, special education classroom teachers and paraprofessionals, teachers of speech and language, Early On providers, special education teacher consultants, School Aged Childcare program supervisor, and a team leader. Additionally, there are two school psychologists, two school social workers, an orientation and mobility specialist, a teacher of the visually impaired, a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing, occupational therapists, and physical therapists.
Assisting all of us in keeping our school operating in an organized and efficient manner, keeping the building clean, serving nutritious food, and helping teachers and students are three custodians, three secretaries, and a kitchen helper.
The core curriculum at the Livonia Early Childhood Center provides learning experiences in pre-reading, pre-numeracy, and self-regulation. The core curriculum is based on the Michigan PreK Standards of Quality from the Michigan Department of Education.
The goal of education is to provide all learners with a solid foundation of skills, knowledge, and understandings that are necessary for their continual growth and success as students within the school setting and as adults in society. As a result of sound Pre-K-12 education based on well-defined educational outcomes, a Livonia Public School graduate will:
- Respect self, others, and the environment.
- Communicate effectively.
- Know how to learn and work productively.
- Acquire and process information.
- Use critical and creative thinking to make decisions and solve problems.
- Work and participate independently and cooperatively.
- Acquire a core of understanding and competencies within the content areas.
Livonia Early Childhood Center is an Early Childhood Center that offers a variety of programs:
- Early Childhood Special Education programs for 3- and 4-year-old children
- Preschool classes for 3- and 4-year-old children
- Early On services for eligible children from birth-three years of age
- Childcare from 6 weeks to 5 years
- Young 5’s Classrooms (moving to elementary schools in the fall 2024)
Hello! My name is Katie Dodge, Ph.D. and it is with the greatest excitement and enthusiasm that I introduce myself as the Principal at Livonia Early Childhood Center. I have been an LPS educator (2nd-6th grades, General Education, Gifted and Talented Education, and Special Education), Teacher Consultant, and Coordinator of Student Services during the past 20+ years. I am also a graduate of Churchill High School and Madonna University. The Livonia Community is near and dear to my heart. As a life-long learner, I have also earned my Ph.D. from the University of Toledo and several Administration Certifications from Grand Valley State University.
I look forward to working with your family this school year and getting to know your child/children. I am deeply invested in ensuring that each child at LECC feels safe and secure at school while learning through exploration and play. I look forward to listening to their laughter and supporting their growth. This is a true passion for me!
When I am not at LECC, I enjoy spending time with son Crosby. We enjoy playing outdoors, using our imaginations, and reading together. Otherwise, you can find us walking our dog Pal and playing with our cat, Patches. I also enjoy gardening, golf, hot tea, and reading.
Katie M. Dodge, Ph.D.
734-744-2813 ext. 22990
Livonia Early Childhood Center Information
18000 Newburgh RdLivonia, MI 48154
Main Office: 734-744-2813
Fax: 734-744-2814
Early Childhood Special Education: 734-744-2813, ext. 22902
Office Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm